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Now You’re Talking Therapy

Acceptable Use Policy Outline




  1. Introduction


The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to guarantee that all interactions on the NYT: Now You’re Talking Platform contribute to a safe, respectful, and legally compliant environment. We are committed to maintaining a community where trust, respect, and professionalism are upheld by all participants. This policy outlines the expected behaviours and the necessary responsibilities of all users to help achieve this goal.


This policy applies to all users of NYT: Now You’re Talking Platform, including:

  • Partners: Therapists, who provide professional services through our platform,
  • Clients, who seek counselling and other services,
  • Visitors, who may interact with the platform without engaging in professional services.

By accessing and using the services provided by NYT Platform, you agree to comply with this AUP, which supports our community standards and adheres to the UK GDPR, the Data Protection Act, the Equality Act, and guidelines set forth by professional bodies such as the British Associations of Therapists and Psychotherapists.

Legal Compliance

Our operations conform to critical legal frameworks to protect the privacy and rights of our users, ensuring a safe and professional environment. Compliance with these laws is paramount, and failure to adhere to this AUP may result in suspension or termination of access to the platform for both clients and partners.

Feedback and Amendments

Your feedback is important to us. Should you have any comments or suggestions about this policy, please submit them via the contact form available on our website. This policy may be amended to remain aligned with legal requirements and best practices; all users will be notified of significant changes.

  1. Definitions
  • Key Terms: Define important terms used in the policy such as “user,” “content,” “services,” etc., to avoid ambiguity.
  1. User Obligations

General Conduct:

All users of the platform are expected to engage in behaviour that is respectful, professional, and legally compliant. The following actions are strictly prohibited:

  • Confidentiality Breaches: No sharing or disclosing any confidential information without consent, except as required by law.
    • Harassment or Abuse: No engaging in harassment, abuse, intimidation, or any behaviour perceived as threatening or coercive.
    • Discrimination: No discrimination against any individual based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic.
    • Legal Compliance: All users must comply with applicable laws and refrain from illegal activities or aiding others in such activities.
    • Improper Use of Platform Technology: No unauthorised use of the platform’s technology, such as hacking, spreading malware, or unauthorised access to accounts.
    • Substance Use: Use of the platform while under the influence of alcohol or drugs that affects user safety or professional performance is not permitted.

Account Security:

Responsibilities related to account creation, security, and information accuracy.

  • Account Creation: Users must provide accurate and complete information when creating an account. Each user is responsible for keeping their account information up-to-date.
  • Security: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account and password and for restricting access to their computer and devices. Any unauthorised use or breach of security must be reported immediately to NYT: Now You’re Talking.
  • Accuracy of Information: Users must ensure that all personal information and credentials provided on the platform are accurate and kept current.


Specific clauses about handling sensitive information, especially relevant for Therapists.

  • Therapists (Partners): Partners must uphold the strictest levels of confidentiality as required by law and their professional standards. This includes the handling of all personal and sensitive information shared by clients during counselling sessions.
  • Clients: Clients are expected to respect the confidentiality of the interactions with their Therapists and must not disclose or misuse any sensitive information shared during sessions unless explicitly authorised by the Therapist.
  1. Specific Obligations for Partners (Therapists)

Professional Standards: Adherence to applicable professional and ethical guidelines.

  • Conflict of Interest: Therapists must avoid any relationships or activities that could conflict with their professional responsibilities or impair their objectivity.
  • Misrepresentation of Qualifications: Therapists must accurately represent their qualifications, credentials, and experience.
  • Inappropriate Relationships: Therapists must not engage in inappropriate friendships, romantic or sexual relationships with clients.
  • Financial Exploitation: Therapists must not solicit or accept any form of payment or gift from clients that could influence their professional judgment.
  • Non-compliance with Professional Standards: Therapists are required to adhere to professional codes of ethics, standards of practice, and local regulatory requirements.
  • Advertising and Solicitation: Therapists should not use therapy sessions to market unauthorised products or services.

Qualification Verification: Requirements for proving qualifications and maintaining good standing in their field.

Transparency and Honesty:

  • Partners must accurately represent their qualifications, including degrees, certifications, and professional statuses, on their profiles.
  • Any claims about specialisms, experience, or affiliations with professional bodies must be verifiable and truthfully presented.

Maintaining Credentials:

  • It is essential that partners maintain valid and current licensing or certification as required by their professional governing bodies.
  • Partners must promptly update their profile on the platform whenever there are changes to their qualification status, such as renewals, additional certifications, or any changes that might affect their standing or scope of practice.

Verification Compliance:

  • Partners must comply with periodic verification checks initiated by NYT: Now You’re Talking to ensure that all information remains current and accurate.
  • Documentation required for these verifications must be provided in a timely manner, as specified by the platform’s procedures.

Professional Development:

  • Partners are encouraged to engage in continuous professional development to ensure they remain competent in their fields and adhere to the latest industry standards and practices.
  • Participation in relevant training and professional development activities should be reported and reflected in their profile updates.

Ethical Standards:

  • Partners must adhere to the ethical standards set forth by their respective professional bodies. Any disciplinary actions or sanctions imposed by these bodies must be reported to NYT: Now You’re Talking immediately.

Service Delivery:

Partners offering therapy services through NYT Platform must adhere to the following guidelines to ensure high standards of care and professionalism:

  • Modalities of Communication:
    • Partners must clearly specify the modalities of communication available for their services, such as in-person, online (video conferencing), or telephone, and ensure these modalities adhere to professional and legal standards.
    • Proper measures should be in place to ensure the confidentiality and security of all communications between partners and clients.
  • Scope of Services:
    • Partners must clearly define the scope of their services, including any limitations based on their qualifications or the nature of online and telephonic therapy.
    • It is crucial to communicate to clients any limitations in the services offered and to direct clients to appropriate resources or services when their needs exceed the therapist scope of practice.
  • Limitations on Advice:
    • Partners must avoid providing advice outside their area of expertise or any guidance that could be construed as legal or medical advice unless specifically qualified to do so.
    • Therapists should be restricted to the partner’s trained areas of expertise and should not replace any medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice.
  • Professional Conduct:
    • All services must be delivered with utmost professionalism, respecting client confidentiality and adhering to ethical standards set by relevant professional bodies.
    • Partners should actively avoid any behaviours or situations that could lead to conflicts of interest or compromise the integrity of the therapeutic relationship.
  • Client Safety and Well-being:
    • Partners are responsible for assessing the appropriateness of online or telephone therapy for each client, considering factors such as the client’s comfort with technology, privacy settings, and specific mental health needs.
    • Immediate actions must be taken to refer clients to emergency services or appropriate care settings if there is a risk of harm to the client or others.
  • Documentation and Record Keeping:
    • Adequate records of all therapy sessions must be maintained in accordance with legal and professional requirements, ensuring they are securely stored and accessible only to authorised individuals.
    • Partners should maintain detailed documentation of client consent, session notes, and any professional recommendations or referrals made.
  1. Specific Obligations for Clients

Interaction with Partners (Therapists):

Guidelines on respectful and appropriate communication.

    • Misrepresentation: Clients should not misrepresent their situations or backgrounds to gain undue advantage or sympathy.
    • Financial Exploitation: Clients should avoid offering gifts or favours that could influence professional judgment.
    • Inappropriate Relationships: Clients should not pursue romantic or sexual relationships with their therapists.

Personal Responsibility

Clients using this platform to engage with therapists (Partners) are expected to assume responsibility for their use of any advice or guidance received during sessions. The following guidelines help clarify this responsibility:

  • Application of Advice:
    • Clients are responsible for their decisions regarding the application of advice received from therapists. While therapists provide guidance based on their professional expertise, the ultimate decision, and outcomes from applying such advice rest solely with the client.
    • Clients should consider all advice as one component in their decision-making processes. They are encouraged to seek additional perspectives or professional opinions when necessary.
  • Understanding Limits of Therapy:
    • Clients should understand that therapy on the platform may not be suitable for all types of issues, particularly those requiring urgent, medical, or specialised professional attention.
    • If a client’s needs exceed the scope of therapy offered through the platform, they should seek additional resources or services that can adequately address their specific circumstances.
  • Informed Decision-Making:
    • Clients are expected to engage actively and thoughtfully during sessions, asking questions and expressing concerns to ensure they fully understand the advice given.
    • It is important for clients to inform therapists of all relevant facts and circumstances that may affect the advice or services provided.
  • Responsibility for Outcomes:
    • Clients acknowledge that outcomes from therapy can vary and depend on factors beyond the control of the therapist. They agree not to hold therapist or NYT: Now You’re Talking liable for any outcomes directly or indirectly related to the guidance received.
  • Reporting Misconduct or Dissatisfaction:
    • Clients should report any concerns about the advice or behaviour of Therapists through our online contact us form. This includes any conduct that is unprofessional, unethical, or otherwise contrary to the guidelines established by the platform.
  1. Content Standards

The integrity of the NYT Platform relies heavily on the quality and legality of the content provided by our Partners. To maintain the highest standards and ensure a positive impact on our clients, the following guidelines outline the expectations and limitations regarding content creation, sharing, and posting by Partners:

Creation and Sharing

  • Relevant and Professional Content Only: Partners must ensure that all content created and shared through the platform, including session materials, advice, and any supplementary resources, is relevant to their therapeutic services and maintains a professional standard.
  • Accuracy and Honesty: All informational content must be accurate, based on the latest and most reliable evidence and practices. Partners should avoid sharing unverified or speculative information that could mislead or harm clients.
  • Respect for Intellectual Property: Partners must respect intellectual property rights by only using or sharing content that they have created or have permission to use. This includes obtaining the necessary licenses for any third-party resources incorporated into their services.

Prohibited Content

  • Offensive Content: No content that is abusive, offensive, discriminatory, or that could create a hostile environment for clients or other Partners should be shared. This includes, but is not limited to, content that involves hate speech, threats, or explicit material not suitable for a professional therapy context.
  • Illegal Content: Content that promotes illegal activities, provides instructions for engaging in illegal activities, or violates any local, national, or international law is strictly prohibited.
  • Plagiaristic and False Content: Partners must not engage in plagiarism or share content that is known to be false or deceptive. This includes falsifying their qualifications, experiences, or the efficacy of their therapeutic approaches.
  • Promotional Content: Unsolicited promotional content or advertisements are not allowed unless explicitly approved by NYT Platform. This helps maintain the focus on genuine therapy support rather than commercial gain.
  1. Use of the Platform

This section details the permitted and prohibited uses of NYT Platform, helping ensure that our platform remains a secure, professional, and respectful environment for all users.

Permitted Uses

  • Booking and Payment for Partner Services: Users are permitted to use the platform for booking, paying for, and receiving therapy services as intended. This includes scheduling sessions, communicating with Partners (therapists), and processing payments through our secure system.
  • Professional Communication: Partners are allowed to use the platform to communicate professionally with clients, share necessary session materials, and provide follow-up support as required.
  • Feedback and Ratings: Clients are encouraged to provide feedback on the services they receive, which helps maintain high standards and assists other clients in making informed decisions.

Prohibited Uses

  • Unauthorised Commercial Use: The platform is designed exclusively for the facilitation of therapy services and related support. It may not be used for any other commercial purposes, such as selling goods or services not directly related to the therapy services provided by Partners.
  • Impersonation or Misrepresentation: Users must not impersonate others or misrepresent their identities, qualifications, or intentions. Partners are required to present their true, verified credentials and are prohibited from falsely representing their expertise or qualifications.
  • Security Breaches: Attempting to compromise the platform’s security mechanisms, such as hacking, spreading malware, or attempting to gain unauthorized access to other users’ accounts, is strictly prohibited.
  • Interference with Operations: Users must not engage in activities that interfere with or disrupt the operations of the platform or the services being provided. This includes using automated systems (bots) to overload the system or creating multiple accounts to disrupt service delivery.
  • Illegal Activities: Any use of the platform to conduct illegal activities or share content that encourages illegal acts is forbidden.
  1. Enforcement Actions

To ensure that NYT Platform remains a safe, professional, and legally compliant environment, we actively monitor and enforce compliance with our Acceptable Use Policy. Below are the methods and measures we use to enforce this policy, as well as the consequences faced by users who violate these guidelines.

Monitoring and Enforcement

  • Routine Checks: We conduct routine checks and audits to ensure that user activities and content align with our AUP. This includes reviewing profiles, communications, and transaction activities.
  • Automated Systems: Our platform utilises automated systems to detect unusual activity patterns that may indicate misuse, such as repeated policy violations or security risks.
  • User Reports: We encourage users to report any suspected violations of the AUP. These reports are taken seriously and are investigated promptly by our support team.
  • Engagement with Partners: Regular communications with our Partners ensure they remain in compliance with our professional standards and AUP requirements.

Consequences of Violations

  • Warnings: Users who violate our AUP may receive warnings informing them of their misconduct and outlining necessary corrective actions.
  • Suspension: For continued violations or serious breaches, user accounts may be temporarily suspended pending a thorough review.
  • Termination: Severe or repeated violations may lead to the permanent termination of access to NYT Platform. This action is taken as a last resort and is aimed at protecting our community.
  • Legal Action: In cases involving illegal activities or severe breaches of professional conduct, we may take legal action or work with law enforcement as necessary.

Transparency and Appeal

  • Notification: Users subject to enforcement actions will be notified of the reasons for the action and the evidence supporting the decision.
  • Appeal Process: Users have the right to appeal enforcement decisions by contacting our support team. We are committed to reviewing all appeals fairly and promptly.
  1. Reporting and Grievance Procedures

At NYT: Now You’re Talking, we are committed to maintaining a respectful and safe environment for all users. To support this commitment, we provide clear and accessible mechanisms for reporting violations of our Acceptable Use Policy or other concerns, as well as a transparent process for addressing grievances.

Mechanism for Reporting Misuse

  • Contact Us Form: Users can report any misuse of the platform, policy violations, or other concerns through our dedicated ‘Contact Us’ form available on the platform. This form is always accessible and is monitored during working hours regularly by our support team.
  • Direct Email: Users may also choose to report issues directly via email to our support team. This contact information is provided on the platform and in the ‘Contact Us’ section.

Grievance Handling

  • Initial Review: Upon receiving a report, our team will conduct an initial review to determine the validity and severity of the issue. This involves assessing the information provided and may require additional information from the reporting user.
  • Investigation: If the complaint warrants further investigation, our team will proceed with a more detailed examination, potentially involving discussions with all parties involved.
  • Resolution: Based on the findings of the investigation, we will take appropriate actions. These actions may include mediation between users, enforcement actions (as outlined in Section 8 of our AUP), or other remedies deemed necessary to resolve the issue.
  • Feedback: After the grievance process is concluded, we provide feedback to the reporting user about the outcome of their report, respecting the confidentiality of all parties involved.

Continual Improvement

  • Review of Procedures: We regularly review our reporting and grievance handling procedures to enhance their effectiveness and ensure they remain fair and responsive to our user’s needs.
  • Training for Staff: Our support team receives ongoing training in handling reports and grievances efficiently and sensitively, ensuring that all user concerns are addressed professionally.
  1. Amendments

Changes to the Policy

NYT Platform reserves the right to amend this Acceptable Use Policy at any time in order to address legal, technological, business, or operational changes. We are committed to maintaining transparency and ensuring that all amendments reflect the evolving needs of our platform and its community.

  • Notification: Given that we do not have a direct notification system, we encourage all users to regularly review this policy for any updates. The most current version of our AUP will always be accessible on our website.
  • Responsibility to Check Updates: It is the responsibility of the users to stay informed about any changes to our policy by checking the document periodically. Significant amendments that might materially affect the way users interact with NYT Platform will be highlighted at the top of the policy page.
  1. Acceptance of Terms

Agreement Clause

By accessing and using the services of NYT Platform, users explicitly agree to comply with and be bound by the terms outlined in this Acceptable Use Policy, along with our other terms and conditions. This agreement is necessary for the benefit and safety of NYT Platform and its users.

  • Continued Use: Continued use of the platform after any amendments to the AUP constitutes acceptance of the new terms. If a user disagrees with any part of the updated policy, they must cease using the platform immediately.

Legal Effect

  • Binding Agreement: This Acceptable Use Policy forms part of a binding agreement between NYT Platform and its users. Compliance with this policy is essential to ensure that all parties enjoy a safe, productive, and legally compliant experience on our platform.
  • Legal Recourse: Failure to adhere to this policy can lead to enforcement actions as outlined in Section 8, and may also have legal implications under applicable laws. Users acknowledge that these actions are necessary to maintain the integrity and security of the platform.