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Now You’re Talking Safeguarding Statement

Now You’re Talking, is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk through the delivery of our services. Our Safeguarding policy/procedures applies to all members of the organisation: Chair of NYT Board, NYT Non-Exec Board members, paid therapists, students, and volunteers. 

Everyone working with children and adults at risk must take every reasonable precaution to protect from potential and/or actual abuse and promote well-being.  It is necessary that everyone working within our services can recognise the signs of abuse and act appropriately, following agreed procedures. 

Our NYT Safeguarding principles are listed below: 

  • The welfare of the child or adult at risk is paramount; 
  • All children and adults at risk without exception, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, disability, faith or ethnic origin have a right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation. All adults have the right to independence which may involve a degree of risk. 
  • Safeguarding is the responsibility of anyone working with NYT and all suspicions/allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. 
  • We never hold concerns about a child or adults at risk safety within the organisation and are obliged to consult and report any concerns about safety/abuse to the relevant authorities. 
  • NYT recognise that we do not have a statutory duty to undertake an assessment of risk to children/vulnerable adults or investigate allegations, this is conducted by the Police, Children or Adult Social Care who do have the statutory powers; the police have additional powers when children/vulnerable adults are in need of immediate/ emergency protection.